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#10359- Patio Door Security Latch, Bronze

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This patio door security latch features a J style hook. It has a 3/4 in. shackle for use where mounting space is limited due to narrow moldings or jambs. Approved by hotels and residential units.

  • For use with most sliding glass patio doors
  • J-style latch
  • Bronze-plated finish
  • 3/4 in. shackle for narrow mounting space
  • Includes installation instructions and screw

Depth0.75 in.
Height4 in.
Width2.25 in.
Weight 0.25 lb.


Installation Instructions/Instrucciones para la Instalacion


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  1. Drill 1/8″ hole in door or jamb for screws.
  2. Install handle with attached casting first. Handle may be placed on either door or jamb.
  3. Make sure glass from door does not extend beyond casting before drilling holes for screws.
  4. Lift handle up and away from receiving casting prior to installation to insure handle has ample clearance when in the open position. Both castings should be at the same height.
  5. Always have latch in locked or in closed position when mounting to insure proper installation.


Cuidado! Asegurese de dejar por lo menos 1/4″ entre la orilla del cristal y donde va a taladrar en el marco de la puerta para evitar romper el cristal.
  1. Taladre cuatro aguijeros en la puerta y cuatro agujeros en la jamba a la misma altura usando la base del pestillo como plantilla.
  2. Instale el pestillo con la base en la puerta o en la jamba.
  3. Levante el pestillo de la base para asegurarse que tiene un amplio espacio libre cuando esta en la posicion abierta.
  4. Instale la otra base en la puerta o en la jamba.
  5. Mantenga el pestillo enn la posiciĆ³n cerrada durante el montaje para asegurar la instalacion correcta.


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